@bart. Hey, thanks man. I'm not going to get as complex as using/needing an optical switch. There's just going to be a straight path from the bundle of fibers on the reflector side to the fibers inside the living room.
I think it would be possible and cool to add filters to change the color, but filters would definitely knock down the amount of light coming through. And from playing around a bit, it looks like I'm going to need all the light I can to make this worthwhile. A cool aspect of tracking the sun is that the reflector will pickup all the light that hits it, even reddish/orange light light from sunrises and sunsets. So I expect to see different colors throughout the day.
This is such a cool idea. <3 I'd need one myself. =)
@makaaberi: Thanks! Hopefully, when I have all the kinks figured out, I can do a smooth demo video and post the how-to on instructables. Stay tuned!
Wonderful idea. Will you have an optical switch as well? Is it possible to add filters to change the color?
@bart. Hey, thanks man. I'm not going to get as complex as using/needing an optical switch. There's just going to be a straight path from the bundle of fibers on the reflector side to the fibers inside the living room.
I think it would be possible and cool to add filters to change the color, but filters would definitely knock down the amount of light coming through. And from playing around a bit, it looks like I'm going to need all the light I can to make this worthwhile. A cool aspect of tracking the sun is that the reflector will pickup all the light that hits it, even reddish/orange light light from sunrises and sunsets. So I expect to see different colors throughout the day.
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